Greetings Food lovers, are you looking for the latest Menu Prices of Congo Grille Philippines? You are at the right spot. We have uploaded all Menu with Prices fully updated. All the images and Prices are sourced from the official channels of Congo Grille Philippines.
Congo Grille Menu
Congo Grille Philippines Menu can be categorized as Appetizers, Beef, Chicken, Congo Bilao Fiesta, Noodles, Pork, Rice, Royal Feast, Seafood, Soup, Tribal Feast, Seafood, and Vegetables. Let’s take a look at them in detail.
Menu Pictures Congo Grille Philippines
Congo Grille Philippines
Delivery Timing
Open Saturday To Friday, 11 AM–9 PM
64 Visayas Ave, Quezon City, 1128 Metro Manila, Philippines
Congo Grille is a well-known restaurant in the Philippines that offers a unique dining experience with its blend of Filipino and international cuisines, vibrant atmosphere, and live entertainment. With its lively ambiance and flavorful dishes, Congo Grille has become a popular destination for both locals and tourists alike.
Is Congo Grille Philippines Halal Certified?
No, Congo Grille Philippines is Not Halal Certified, because they serve Pork.
All the images and Prices are sourced from the official channels of Congo Grille Philippines.
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