Greetings Food lovers, are you looking for the latest Menu Prices of Ricos Lechon Philippines? You are at the right spot. We have uploaded all Menu with Prices fully updated. All the images and Prices are sourced from the official channels of Ricos Lechon Philippines.
Ricos LechonMenu
Ricos Lechon Philippines Menu can be categorized as Appetizers, Soup, Meat, Sizzling, Seafoods, Sugba / Grilled, Rice, Vegetables, Noodles / Dabest Gyud Pancit Platter, Dessert, Drinks and Extended. Let’s take a look at them in detail.
Menu Pictures Ricos Lechon Philippines
Ricos Lechon Philippines
Delivery Timing
Open Saturday To Friday, 11 AM–9 PM
8WFJ+XRM, Mantawe Ave, Tipolo, Mandaue City, Cebu, Philippines
Rico’s Lechon is a renowned and beloved restaurant in the Philippines that has gained a reputation for serving some of the most flavorful and succulent lechon, a traditional Filipino roasted pig dish. With its commitment to quality, authenticity, and mouthwatering flavors, Rico’s Lechon has become a go-to destination for locals and tourists alike.
Is Rico’s Lechon Philippines Halal Certified?
No, Rico’s Lechon Philippines is Not Halal Certified, because they serve Pork.
All the images and Prices are sourced from the official channels of Rico’s Lechon Philippines.
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